Sarah and Dan met early March 2012. Dan had volunteered for an extra shift to patrol the beach during Spring Break. A duty that was not too hard to endure for a young, hand-some single police officer. Dan first noticed Sarah as she crossed the street with a group of her girlfriends and headed toward the beach. In the meantime Sarah remarked to her girlfriends how handsome she thought Dan looked standing by the sidewalk in his police uniform. Hours later when their paths crossed again. Sarah started to talk to Dan, what caught her eye was the boyish grin on Dan’s face, little did she realize it was because half the left side of her face was streaked with sand, a cherished first impression that Dan never revealed to Sarah until months later.
They spent the next week sending text messages and phone conversations about endless topics while Sarah was away on a business trip to Philadelphia. When she returned home to Fort Lauderdale, Dan asked if they could get together. Sarah explained that since she was just getting home from a very tiring trip, she did not want to get dressed to go to any fancy place. Given that Sarah studied fashion in school, Dan’s choice of a red flannel shirt especially in Florida on their very first dates was quickly overshadowed when she spotted her favorite flowers waiting for her on the seat of his car (flowers were a topic of one of their earlier conversations). It was Dan’s attention to detail and proof that he actually lis-tened and remembered their conversations that Sarah knew he was the one.
It was only fitting that Dan choose that exact spot on the beach that they met to surprise her with a proposal.