It was another beautiful evening in Fort Myers, Florida. Ryan and his buddies we’re heading out of Big Carlos Pass on their boats to watch the stunning sunset from the water. Ryan and his friend had made it out there first, and shortly after their other friends appeared through the pass. As the other boat was getting close, Ryan realized there was something special about that boat this evening and he had to go investigate. So Ryan jumped off his boat swimming over to his buddies boat, climbed up and walked up to Mady, looked her right in the eyes and introduced himself.
Four years later Ryan had secretly worked out a way for Mady’s parents and his own parents to both come down to Florida at the same time. Although Ryan knew this was not a coincidence having them all in town, Mady did not know that it was meant for a very special day. They planned a trip for everybody to go out on the boat together. As luck would have it, Ryan took them out to Big Carlos Pass where Mady and him had first met. They beached the boat in the same area that they had met that first day watching the sunset. Ryan asked if Mady wanted to go for a walk on the beach. As they were walking the beach at their special place where they first met, Ryan stopped, dropped down on one knee and again looked Mady in the eyes and asked her to marry him.